Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Thank you for coming here to learn more about this special fundraising event.

Some of you know Scott, Amy or both. What you may not know is that they have many challenges that they are facing, some hopefully short term and some that will last a lifetime. The Glassers are not unique, there are many families that are struggling financially at this time. There are also many families that have children born with special needs. What should never be unique is a commitment to help one another in times of need.

It took a lot to convince Scott and Amy to allow us to help as there was a sense of wanting to keep these challenges to themselves and quietly face them alone. But as we all have endured the single biggest collapse of the economy since the depression and perhaps other trials and tribulations in our own lives, I am hopeful that we have a deeper understanding of what really is important and that we all find many ways to express this. I ask you today to please consider a small donation to the Glasser family, to help them get back on their feet financially, as one expression of caring.

Please don't hesitate to pass this site along to anyone you feel may be interested in donating. Also, please add comments here and/or other ideas or fundraising efforts you may want to do to assist the Glassers. Please feel free to add anything here you wish, this is a site for all to help a really nice family in time of need.

The following is more detail on the Glasser family and the challenges they are facing.

1 comment:

  1. Being the proud parents of Erik, we would be
    happy to help Scott and his family in their time of need.
    We are truly grateful to Scott for being a caring and loyal friend to Erik and recognizing the vast potential that he possess. It's friends like this that make the world a better place in which to bring up our families.
    Thank you Scott, Amy, Maddie & David
    Love Peg & Bob Straub
